New Earth Gaia

These resources are brought to you by

Laura Strong, PhD

Explorer, Intuitive, Cross-cultural Mythologist, and Professional in the Visual Arts and Systems Design Fields

Laura Strong

I am a continuous researcher of human, planetary, and universal energy, and how they interrelate with human consciousness and the evolution of our species, the planet, and all who dwell here. For decades I have also used my innate abilities as a "Walker Between Worlds" to help navigate souls to the afterlife, clear unwanted energies from homes and properties, and guide individuals and communities through transition points. I also enjoy applying my creative skills to the design and development of large scale interactive systems for clients focused on improving our world, and the creation of visual art. While I wear many hats, at the core my focus is always to serve community, humanity, and the planet.

Intuitive by nature, I have always had a deep connection to the natural world and the energies of our planet. I've also had a lifelong interest in what most still perceive to be the unseen realms. Along my path I have actively engaged with a wide variety of mystical traditions, shamanic practices, intuitive arts, healing modalities, dreamwork methods, and creative processes to bridge these seen and unseen worlds.

This life path also led to me to pursue an MA/PhD in Mythological Studies with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, where I continued my research into the mythological stories and wide variety of mystical, religious, and spiritual beliefs related to death and dying, rites of passage, and how art, myth and storytelling can assist during times of transition.

The primary focus of these studies was an in-depth exploration into the role of the "psychopomp"who provides guidance at the time of death, and acts as a bridge between the land of the living and the realms of the dead. These archetypal figures also aid the living during difficult times.

During my studies in the early 2000s, I also came across a great amount of information about the upcoming planetary transition, which we are now clearly going through. As I finished my graduate degree and finally had time to dive into the resources, I began to ponder how we might be able to navigate such enormous change as gracefully as possible, and what forms of guidance might be available to assist us. While it seemed so far away at the time, there is no doubt the time of energetic planetary shifts and accelerated change is here. While I generally follow the guidance of my own heart, mind, intuition, and ability to tap into the planetary energies, I also find it very useful to align with others who are receiving similar information.

These days, my true passion is working with others to create a future we all want to live in. This includes living a life in harmony with Gaia, co-creating with community, developing systems that benefit the planet and all who dwell here, creating artistic offerings, and being in alignment with others who are part of this exciting time on Gaia.

More to explore:

  • See Wayshowers, Tools and Resources for info related to the current changes on Gaia.
  • Find recommended Books related to the planetary transition.
  • Visit to learn more about the archetypal role of the Psychopomp as a Guides to the Afterlife.
  • Go to Studio Strong, where I offer interface and website design services to visionary change makers and teams focused on making a better future for all.

Email Laura