As we witness the death of our old ways of being on this planet, it is equally true that we are simultaneously birthing a New Earth, and many are helping to show the way!
They are the
Transition Guides for Gaia
A growing number of individuals are stepping forward at this time of rapid global transformation to be Wayshowers and Guides. Each sharing their unique perspective about what's going on energetically on the planet, and how we can shift from a position of fear over what's being lost, to a position of love and active participation in creating the new.
This site contains a number of resources to put you in touch with some of the leading Wayshowers and Guides, as well as helpful Books and information related to what's happening on Gaia, and how we can navigate these transitional times as gracefully as possible.
This site is brought to you by Laura Strong, PhD who has been researching and tracking the global transition for well over two decades.